...To call her visit a pure delight is an understatement.
Lori is one of the kindest and most gracious people that has ever graced our library doors. She instantly put everyone around her at ease and radiated joy, cheerfulness, and a peaceful spirit. I found myself wanting to just ask her everything about her books and just life in general.
Not only is Lori wonderful, but her presentation was excellent! She didn't miss a beat when our microphone went on the brink and was able to hook the students attentions immediately. Even the somewhat spacey Kindergarteners were captivated. She had prepared a presentation that conveyed several valuable and important concepts like author/illustrator, illustrations supporting words and extending the story, idea formulation, the creativity of everyday life, and the power that nature has to inspire creativity.
She showed several slides that exemplified how with imagination, items from
nature can be transformed into anything. For example, a fern leaf can be a
tree or the nose of a face. The manner in which she showed the children these
concepts was so eye-opening and magical for them. Watching their faces and
hearing their laughter reminded me that I have the world's best job. I'd be
surprised if even one child does not go home and use nature to create some
faces or pictures. Lori was just that inspiring.
–Emmie Stuart, Librarian,Percy Priest Elementary
Lori Nichols speaks about her books, illustration and writing at schools, libraries and book festivals across the country. Lori’s school and library visit will leave young readers with the promise that they too have what it takes to create stories. K-6 grade presentations encourages all children to use their imagination and challenges students to look at nature in a whole new way.
NOT SURE HOW TO HOST AN AUTHOR?: Check out this great resource guide on Penguin's Teacher & Librarian page.